Is Bowling Bad For Your Back?

Is Bowling Bad For Your Back? What You Need To Know

Many people who bowl are concerned with their backs, but is it true that bowling is really dangerous to your spine and surrounding muscles? The answer is yes! And this article will outline what you need to know to get started on preventing major injury while still enjoying yourself at the lanes.

Is Bowling Bad For Your Back?

Yes, bowling can be bad for your back if you lack physical fitness and if you play with incorrect technique and form. Furthermore, players who bowl everyday without breaks put repetitive stress on the lower back muscles every time they attempt to knock down pins. This causes muscle fatigue thereby making bowlers more susceptible to backpain injury.

Here are some reasons that players injure their backs on the bowling lanes:

Improper Technique

Bowling can lead to back pain if you’re not using the proper technique. Most people don’t know what they are doing when they bowl, but this might help.

Remember to arch your back and hold onto the ball with both hands right before rolling your body so that your weight pushes against the ground for stability as you release it.

If you follow these three points, you will be safer and less likely to hurt your back. Learning the proper technique from an instructor is the best way to avoid injury.

Improper Body Form

One of the biggest hazards to your back is improper body form. When you are bowling, if you’re not following a proper spine alignment, that can be bad for both your back and leg muscles. And if you don’t have good balance or posture, the pressure on those areas will also increase.

When you bowl, stand up straight and do not bend over. When rounding the upper half of your body forward while standing or bending over from the waist as if that is how you would swing a golf club, this can cause back and leg pain.

When you are standing, make sure that you have a good back alignment and your weight is evenly distributed on both feet. When you are bowling, keep an upright stance the entire time.

Over-Stressing Muscles by Playing Too Often or Too Quickly

It is not uncommon for people to experience muscle fatigue and soreness after a long game of bowling. If you do the same thing over and over again, it can cause pain in your joints.

For example, if you bend down all the time or stretch very far, it could make your neck feel tight.

Bowling is a fun and exciting game, but damaging your back by not stretching before or after playing can lead to injury.

Repetitive motions can cause problems with muscles in other parts of the body. For example, people who bowl experience pain in their feet.

Because overusing your toes can result in iliotibial band syndrome, which causes numbness and tingling on one side of your hand.

The good news is these symptoms usually go away with a little rest and will not be permanent.

The only real risk is that you could get back pain or a chronic case of lower back pain.

Bowling is a fun game that makes you feel happy. But it can also hurt your body. When playing bowling, you need to stay healthy. This is why it’s good to ask for help from someone who knows how to measure pressure and prescribe exercises.

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Lack of Warm-up

It is important to have a proper warm-up before bowling so that you can avoid injury.

If you jump into the game cold without warming up, it could lead to muscle fatigue and overuse injuries such as bursitis or tendonitis.

You should always start off with some light aerobic exercise in order to get your heart rate up. This is a good idea for adults and children alike, but it’s especially important if you are someone who is overweight or out of shape.

You can also try different movements that mimic the motions of bowling before heading to the lanes in order to get your muscles prepared.

Use of Improper or Ill-Fitting Equipment

One of the most common causes of back pain is using the wrong size shoes or ball. If you are bowling, make sure that your shoe and ball are the right sizes for you. You also want to make sure that all your bags meet weight requirements so they don’t put too much pressure on one side of your body.


With regulation, balls must weigh between 16 and 22 pounds, depending on the person.

For kids, the ball must be between 13 and 18 pounds. In general, a good rule is to make sure your ball weighs the same as you do. If you weigh 200 pounds then look for a ball that also weighs 200 pounds or more.

For physically fit men, a ball that weighs between 16 and 22 pounds is appropriate.

For women, the best range is from 13 to 18 pounds.

One way to test if your ball is too heavy is to see what it says in the weight category on top of your ball. If you are a 200-pound man, then make sure your ball weighs between 16 and 22 pounds or more.

Bowling Shoes

Bowling shoes should also be regulated.

The most common variation is that bowling shoes should not have a heel, but they can be as high or as low as you want. If you are a member of the U.S. Bowling Congress, you need to know how wide your shoes are.

It is written on the bottom of the shoe, and it will be inches from the floor to the top of where your foot is on the shoe.

Measure the height of your shoes from the floor to the top before you buy them. Make sure that they are within these measurements:

  • For men, 17″ is okay; 18″ is better; 19½” is an excellent length
  • For women, 16–18″ is good.
  • For juniors, 16″ is the maximum length allowed; 15½” is preferable.

If you are wearing a shoe that doesn’t meet these standards, it can cause an increased torque on your legs and backside while bowling which could lead to injury in all sorts of places including knees, ankles, feet, back, neck and shoulders.

The only exception is if you wear a shoe that has a heel less than ¾” high; these will not cause the torque to be increased but they do affect your balance in such a way as to make it more difficult for players of all ability levels ” from beginners to pros ” with them.

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Slippery Lanes

One of the most common causes of bowling injuries is a slippery lane. The lanes are made from oil and water, so when they become too dry, it’s very difficult to get traction on them.

If you have shoes with no rubber soles or socks to keep your feet anchored in place, then you should avoid playing until the surface dries.

The Bottom Line on Bowling and Your Back

While recreational bowling is unlikely to cause a major back injury, it is not without risks.

One of the biggest concerns for your spine, when you bowl, is that during the release from an overhand motion at the top of your swing, all of your weight will be shifted onto one leg which can lead to instability and strain on muscles in the back and hips.

If you want to be on the safe side, make sure your form is correct by keeping both feet evenly distributed when at the top of your swing – if one foot is in front of the other, it will cause strain to muscles located at either end of your spine as well as those which are already under a load.

The key is to focus on the release of your ball. Keep both feet flat and try not to lean forward as it allows you a little more stability in releasing your throw.

It’s also important that when you position yourself at the line, make sure that you are positioned correctly with one leg slightly back for support while the other leg is forward with the toes pointed to give you stability.

When it comes time for your release, go ahead and lean back just a little as this will help lift your hips away from the lane so that they don’t come in contact with the ball or pins if you miss them.

One more thing: make sure to take a moment to stretch out your back before you start bowling, as this can help with any muscle issues or stiffness that might arise.

If you do decide to go ahead and bowl anyway, be sure not to stay in one position for too long. A good rule of thumb is every 15 minutes stand up, walk around the lanes.

The back is an important part of your body that needs to be taken care of. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you are bowling properly and taking care of any aches or kinks before they become serious issues.

Hopefully, this article has given you some helpful tips on how to do just that!


How do I stop my back from hurting when bowling?

Make sure to take a moment to stretch out your back before you start bowling, as this can help with any muscle issues or stiffness that might arise.

What should I do when my back starts hurting from bowling?

The first thing you need to do is stop bowling and see if you can identify what is causing the pain or discomfort.

There are many reasons for this, so it’s important that you figure out as soon as possible what might be wrong before continuing with your game!

What injuries can you get from bowling?

There are some injuries that can occur from bowling, such as inflammation of the rotator cuff or tearing a hamstring muscle. If you start to feel any pain in your back while playing, it’s important that you stop and see what is causing it- these injuries are much easier to take care of before they become serious issues.

Why do forearms hurt after bowling?

Forearms hurt after bowling for a variety of reasons. Sometimes people don’t warm up before playing so their muscles get tired and sore. They also might be swinging too hard which hurts the muscles in their arm. It is important to know that if your grip is hurting, it can get worse quickly- this needs to be fixed!

Is bowling considered an exercise?

Yes. Bowling is a great form of exercise because it is a low-impact sport. If you’re looking for an activity to work on your balance, this is the way to do it!

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