Does Bowling Build Muscle?

Does Bowling Build Muscle? All You Should Know

Bowling is a popular game that people play all year round, either professionally or for leisure. The game involves throwing a ball along a lane to knock down pins arranged at the end of the aisle.

People who play Bowling derive a lot of advantages, including building muscles.

Does Bowling Build Muscle?

Bowling allows the players to build muscles. The game utilizes muscles in both the upper and the lower parts. The bowling ball has a considerable weight, and lifting it builds the arm muscles. The swing, lunge, and twist strengthen the leg and waist muscles.

It Is A Sport 

Bowling is a sporting activity like other traditional sporting activities recognized globally, such as football and basketball.

It is a sporting activity that requires the players to have agility in training for the game. They perform various exercises that help them become the best players.

A professional player can undertake regular exercises before the season begins. The exercises help in building the muscles and improving the balance of the player.

Other players undertake exercises throughout the year, whether it is a bowling season or not. The exercises target most of the muscles in the body.

There Is Lifting

Lifting is one of the ways that can help a person build muscles. When playing Bowling, people lift the balls and throw them down the lane.

The bowling balls have different weights. As people lift the ball through the series of plays, they build their arm muscles. Moreover, lifting also helps build muscles in the various parts of the hands.

The player has to use the wrists, shoulders, and chest. When a beginner can use a lighter ball, but as they become experienced, they can lift balls with more weights.

The lifting of the balls becomes an effective way of building muscles because the lifting of the ball tones the upper body muscles.

Stable Leg Muscles

Bowling helps people build stability in the legs because it requires one to assume various motions to propel the ball.

The leg muscles have to be strong and stable for the player not to fall as they throw the ball down the lane. Besides, the player attains balance while playing Bowling because of the many motion ranges.

The leg muscles particularly become strong as the player releases the ball, relaxing the muscles tensed up. Also, carrying the ball involves leg muscles because the average weight of a ball is fourteen pounds.

Bowlers Walk

Unlike other indoor games such as play stations requiring people to sit, Bowling allows people to walk to and fro as they complete the series of plays.

Research estimates that a bowler makes an average of seventy steps in every minute. Walking allows the person to build their leg muscles.

Therefore people recognize Bowling as a less form of exercising that is less strenuous. The person undertakes effective exercising while in a relaxed state.

At the end of the exercise, the person achieves the same level of exercise as a person who has undertaken intense exercise such as skipping rope for half an hour.

You Burn Calories

Bowling utilizes most of the body parts and allows the player to burn calories.

Research shows that playing the game for sixty minutes allows a person to burn close to three hundred calories. Burning calories allows for the building of muscles and the loss of fat.

People who commit fully to playing Bowling as a form of exercise usually end up with reduced weight. For each game, a person can significantly burn most of the excess fat and end up becoming fit.

The game presents the player with an opportunity to walk close to half a mile to play three games in a day.

Lunge And Twist

Bowling involves numerous movements. The lunge and twist movement allows a person to strengthen the muscles in the lower body.

The movement as a person approaches the lane involves the gluteus and legs. The player also gains builds and strengthens the muscle in the hips.

Through the lunge and twist motions, the person engages the core muscles. If the person engages in bowling daily, the person can have strengthened stomach muscles.

The lunge and twist motion also targets the quad muscles. The person experiences greater stability and balances even after throwing the ball onto the lane.

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Alternative to Extreme Exercises

Bowling becomes a good alternative for people who cannot keep up with extreme exercises.

Bowling allows a person to relax in between throws, especially when there are multiple players. For instance, Bowling is an excellent option for people who cannot keep up with cardio.

The player manages to exercises without straining the body. Besides, Bowling allows the person not to strain joints or get injured during exercise like other extreme exercises.

Bowling allows a person to assume postures and movements that promote healthy exercise. People appreciate Bowling as one of the low-impact forms of exercise.

Excellent in Stretching

Bowling allows the players to stretch, which allows muscles and tendons not ordinarily involved in the exercise. The stretching happens because as the player throws the ball onto the lane.

Therefore the player gets the best stretching activity while they enjoy the game. In one game, the person undertakes close to twenty swings which amount to a good workout.

Training for Bowlers

Most of the excellent bowlers usually take time exercising. For instance, they undergo rigorous training to boost their muscles.

The muscles mostly used in Bowling include the hips, the legs, and the abdominal region. Therefore the workouts target the lower and the upper body.

The exercises include lifting the dumbbell on an incline bench to strengthen muscles in the upper body. For the lower body, the training incorporates squats and hanging leg raises.

The training differs based on the experience of the bowler with weight lifting.

Performing a plank is important to strengthen muscles in the upper and lower body. Some people add twists to the plank, which increases flexibility in the waist area.

A player can add isometric holds to the exercises, enabling the person to attain muscle stability and energy. Squats help the player build and strengthen the leg muscles.

The Ball

A person ought to have gathered enough strength to manage the weight of the ball. Therefore the muscles need to have the tenacity to carry the ball and swing it before releasing it to the lane.

Therefore Bowling enables a person to build the muscles and the strength to carry the ball’s weight. Furthermore, carrying the weight of the ball enables the player to build up power in the muscles.

The more a person becomes accustomed to carrying the ball, the more they become strong and powerful. Trainers recommend that people undertake resistance exercises to become more effective in throwing the ball.

Heart Muscles

Although Bowling is a less intense form of aerobic exercise, it helps strengthen the body muscles. A person attains cardiovascular strength because the games take at least thirty minutes.

To attain endurance, they have to play the game at least three times a week. The heart endurance enables a player to perform better because they will not suffer fatigue unnecessarily.

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Flexibility Requires Muscles

The Bowlers need to perform motion seamlessly, and they can only achieve this if they have resilient muscles. The motions include twisting, lunging, and even throwing.

If the bowler lacks flexibility, they are more likely to suffer from muscle strains and joint sprains. Bowling also requires the bowler to stretch, which can become impossible if the person lacks flexibility.


Here is a short video on how to warm up properly for bowling:


For a person to become effective in playing games, they have to undertake warming up exercises. The warm-up exercises range from walking to stretching.

These activities allow the muscles to achieve some strength and agility to perform the twists and lunges.

Form of Workout

Bowling presents people with an opportunity to work out. Bowling becomes effective to those people who understand the essence of exercising.

The lifting allows the person to work out without sweating. People meet up and engage in Bowling because it does not require experience or special skills. And if a person becomes a regular player, they attain the skill.

Bowling requires commitment for a person to reap the benefits associated with exercise as a form of workout. At least the people should play three times a week, which will help them build the muscles.

Bowling is one way of becoming fit because it allows people to step out from their sedentary life.

Improvement in Metabolism 

Bowling enables people to engage in weight training on a lower scale, generating more muscle mass.

The increased muscle mass improves the rate of metabolism even when the person is not exercising. When the body makes more muscles as a result of physical activities, the body burns more calories.

Wrist Muscles

The wrist and the fingers muscles become important in Bowling. The player has to grip the ball and release it to the lane.

The wrist flexors and extensors allow the platers to swing better and avoid sprains and injuries.

After a player realizes that their muscles in the forearm have weakness, they should undertake some exercises to strengthen those muscles for them to have a great release of the ball.

Furthermore, the player should also learn how to manipulate the muscles to get a good grip on the ball. The wrist flexion facilitates the manipulation because the palm moves towards the lower arm allowing the player to hold the ball.

The wrist aids in swinging, and if the muscles are weak, the player cannot post a commendable performance.

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